Our staff
Fun in the CRC courtyard 2021
Letting our hair down is all part of a great team!
The Shark Bay CRC is run by a small but dedicated team.
Executive Officer - Mrs Jamie Burton
Office Manager - Ms Natt Dul
Customer Service Officer - Ms Judy Britza
Recreation Centre Staff - Ms Corina Robins and Ms Khayla Wordsworth
Junior Staff - Bodhi Garner and Emily Duff
“The Centre is managed by a voluntary management committee made up of members of the Shark Bay Community and representatives from the Shire of Shark Bay.”
2024/2025 Committee
Chair - Mrs Claire Harrower
Vice Chair - Mrs Julie Robins
Secretary/Treasurer - Mr George Livesey
Ms Michelle Fanali - Community Development Officer, Shire of Shark Bay
Ms Tegan Tomshin
Ms Sharyn Burvill
Ms Fay Castling
Mr Brian Child
Mrs Ella Morris